International interlibrary loan

How to place an ILL order
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We recommend to use the advanced search.
Search for the title you like to order via ILL.
Click on the SFX button.
A new tab will open in your browser. Click on "Send international ILL request to Bavarian Library Network".
This will open another tab in your browser. For logging on to the system please choose your library. You can search by name or institution code.
Fill in your request number, which refers to your request. This is mandatory. You can use any numerical or alphabetical sequence, if you don't have a unique request number.
If you wish to order an article, add the article details.
Then click on "determine lending libraries".
Choose a lending library.
Please check the list of costs, as you need to accept the costs for placing your request.
After a successful order attempt, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you provided.
In the email you will find again your address information as a check. Please contact us immediately if it should be corrected!
If the order attempt was unsuccessful, you will see the screen above.
If you are sure that a particular title exists in a library and you know the shelfmark, you can optionally create a free order via "blank order".

The participating libraries endeavor to complete your orders within 1-2 weeks.
As soon as your order has been completed successfully, you will receive a corresponding notification from the respective delivery library via e-mail.
If the order attempt fails, you will receive a corresponding negative notice by email.